Affordability fuels uptake of designer vaginas

By , December 16, 2020

Sandra Wekesa @wekesa_andayi

Cosmetic procedures are becoming more normalised for various reasons including costs and open discussion about them.

Among these are beautification treatment around the genital area, which include procedures to alter the appearance or functionality of the vagina.  

The procedures have become mainstream that celebrities such as the Kardashians openly talked about getting vaginal rejuvenation, and Cardi B talking about her mummy makeover package, which included a tummy tuck, liposuction, breast augmentation and a designer vagina. 

But what exactly is a designer vagina? 

The Harley Medical group describes ‘designer vagina’ as the collective term for any cosmetic surgical procedure performed on the vagina, with the aim of improving its shape, size and ultimately, its function. Patients see this as a way to rejuvenate their vagina.

For many generations, vaginal health has been considered taboo. But recent studies show designer vaginas has become a very popular trend. 

However, Dr Tilman Stasch, an aesthetic and reconstructive surgeon specialist at Vitality Fountain Clinic says vaginal corrective surgery has been around for many years.

He adds that the concept might have been popularised through the media and picked up by surgeons promoting this procedure, especially from America, where open marketing for plastic surgery is a common thing.

Dr Tilman says the spectrum of surgeries range from corrective vaginal surgery due to birth trauma, for example, tears causing scars and loose tissues, to reduction of the labia minora (labiaplasty) which might be too large and cause discomfort and pain especially during sports or intercourse, or chafing from your underwear or clothing.

In these cases, surgery improves not only the shape, but relieves women’s problems they are facing due to the condition.

Top 10 procedures

“On the other end, it is aimed to purely improve the look and feel of the patients’ vaginas.

In these cases, the desire to improve the aesthetic aspect of this region plays an important role in the woman’s psychological well-being, which comes with a higher self-esteem, more confidence and joy during sexual encounters, and an improved self image,” says Dr Tilman.

He adds that with cosmetic surgery steadily increasing in popularity worldwide, procedures once seen as taboo are now commonly requested.

Vaginal rejuvenation, is one of the least-talked-about procedures, yet growing numbers of women have chosen to undergo it at the clinic in Nairobi.

“Amongst my patients and circle of friends, it’s a huge topic and through word of mouth and referrals from happy women, I have seen this operation become one of the top 10 procedures in my practice,” he adds.

Some common procedures include labiaplasty and vaginal tightening, also known as vaginoplasty. 

“I usually perform vaginoplasty as a day care procedure under local anaesthetic.

Sometimes it forms part of a mummy makeover package, where I perform breast lift or reduction with a tummy tuck and body shaping by liposuction,” he says.

Non invasive options

In labiaplasty, the labia minora are reduced and shaped according to the woman’s wishes, usually to normalise appearance in cases of asymmetry or large size.

He highlights on paying the utmost attention to understand which size and shape is individually desired.

The skin edges are then sutured with a fine, absorbable suture, which disappears after a few days, leaving no scars.

Dr Tilman echoes that surgical vaginal tightening can range from minimally invasive fat grafting to the vaginal walls inside and the labia majora on the outside, to more complex gynaecological surgeries where pelvic floor muscles are tightened (usually if there is a prolapse).

“I prefer to do the fat grafting technique, where excess fat from the woman’s tummy is removed by liposuction, and small amounts of fat is deposited alongside the vaginal anatomy to allow a filling and tightening effect,” he says.

He notes that, it is important that prospective patients weigh up all reasons for having the surgery and that these are discussed in full during consultation with a Board certified Plastic Surgeon who is experienced in this technique.

But one of the few side effects the woman may experience include discomfort and swelling afterwards, although this wears down within a week to 10 days. 

“While there may be a small risk of bleeding, wounds usually close within a day or two.

I always recommend regular follow ups with patients to check the healing progress and for them to book at least one week off work following the procedure,” he says. Procedures cost Sh150,000 -Sh300,000.

Dr Pranav Pancholi, a cosmetic surgeon, says people have started embracing non-invasive procedures. 

“The g-spot amplification to increase sexual excitement, vulva makeover, vagina tightening, laser vaginal tightening can be done through a non-invasive form of surgery,” he says.

Top of the reasons people choose to have these procedures  include being satisfied with their labia appearance and for sexual satisfaction.

The use of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and a cocktail of other herbs help in giving the appearance a different look.

Pancholi says that for nonsurgical treatment,  one is able to achieve results nearly as quickly, if not for as long.

In some cases the procedure will be done by either laser or radiofrequency, which involve tissue contraction and promote collagen reduction in the vaginal tissue.  

“This is a plan that works when it comes to labiaplasty, a procedure done to reshape the labia,” he says.

Treatments vary from Sh30,000-Sh150,000. However, one needs to repeat them to achieve a permanent look.

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