
Kinoti taken to task over sex tape probe
Kibaki saved Kinoti's job in 2006. PHOTO/Courtesy
DCI boss George Kinoti.

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The Director of Criminal Investigations George Kinoti told a parliamentary committee yesterday that investigations into a sex tape linked to Wajir Woman Representative Fatuma Gedi have stalled due to many “impediments”.

Members of the Powers and Privileges Committee put Kinoti to task on why a senior officer in his office disowned a letter summoning four MPs claimed to be behind the sex tape.

The committee is also probing how a letter from the DCI to the Clerk of the National Assembly requesting four MPs alleged to be behind the tape to record statements, was leaked to the media.

Members wanted Kinoti to explain why he was yet to summon the  four MPs alleged to have circulated the material online.

The committee, chaired by Speaker Justin Muturi, asked why an officer investigating the matter summoned MPs Adan Keynan (Eldas), Abdihakim Mohamed (Fafi), Rehema Jaldesa (Isiolo) and Wangui Ngirici (Kirinyaga) through a letter but never took action after that.

“The said members have never gone to the DCI. We cannot do your work, you follow the due process and proceed with the probe,” Muturi told the DCI.

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