Nairobi Metropolitan Services boss is delivering, he needs support of all
By Editorial, July 17, 2020
The Nairobi Metropolitan Services (NMS) recently marked 100 days in office.
In spite of the numerous inconveniences caused by the outbreak of coronavirus, which hit the nation around the same time NMS was assuming office, it is apparent that the State agency is on the right track.
In the three months that NMS has been in existence, its boss Major-General Mohamed Abdalla Badi has everything to show for it.
Many parts of the capital city are now well lit, the road network is being renovated, markets are being refurbished, grabbed land is being reclaimed and security seems to have improved.
Early this week, the NMS boss stated that he intends to move further into the slums to open up the areas to allow for better health, transport, drainage and security.
That is a welcome pledge. It is noteworthy that the taciturn senior soldier is going about his work without fanfare, commotion, boasting or whining.
He has simply stuck to his mandate and the delivery of service on his part is noticeable to every Jack and Jill.
Nairobi residents will have to put up with the realities of what Badi is doing. Sacrifices, patience and tolerance will be called in.
Of greater import will be public support. Public endorsement of what the General seeks to achieve will be crucial if he has to achieve his targets.
So is political goodwill. It is somewhat gratifying that though Governor Mike Mbuvi Sonko has chosen not to work with the General, majority of the elected leadership in Nairobi is co-operating with NMS.
In fulfilment of the NMS responsibilities and mandate, it means that some people may have to be displaced, illegal structures demolished and businesses relocated. That is a painful but necessary decision that must be taken.
For over three decades, Nairobi residents have been taken for a ride by their elected leaders.
Service delivery, security, transport, health, education and human rights have been left to the dogs as City Hall thugs plundered every coin and resource in the vicinity.
Nairobians have been a dehumanised, abused and neglected lot. That debasing scenario is the wrong that Badi is attempting to right.
There is no doubt that it shall take a long time to reach the desired goals. It might, therefore, be too early to give a thumbs-up to the General. But is not too early to support him.