For the ones you love, hold nothing back and give your all

By , October 28, 2024

We have come to celebrate half-lovers and half-hearted loving. It is now en vogue to cut off family and friends at the drop of a hat, over slights both real and imagined.

 But there is nothing as sobering as losing a loved one. It shows you that life is finite and that there is nothing to be gained for loving half-heartedly. I am not here to make a case for all the people you might have cut off. No. You might argue that they should have known that life is finite before they crossed you. Good point.

I am here to just say that there is absolutely no reason to love halfway or to hold grudges when dealing with people you love. To not show up for them when needed. Go all in. Go big for them. Hold nothing back. Give them all their flowers and their love when they are alive. Put them first.

 Work and life is demanding, so be intentional about your people. Make it a priority to show those you love, love through actions and words.

While we treat work and our daily pressures as urgent, would they be as urgent if you viewed the time that you have with your loved ones as equally urgent and slowly, but surely running out? Would you go out for that weekend to Vasha instead of visit your parents if you knew their time to leave earth was nigh? Would you blow off that friend for a clande if you knew they were hours away from being guest of honour at their funeral? Think about it.

In Japan, there is a ritual where people get into coffins, drink and eat as they talk about death. This resets their values and makes them appreciate life more. It makes them love whatever or whomever they live for more.

 It is time we stopped talking about death in hushed tones and started looking at it as that which we all get closer to with every passing day.

This will make the joy keener, the sadness fleeting, the love stronger, for what are bad moments measured against eternity? And aren’t good moments even sweeter measured against millennia? Death is an everpresent thing that we fail to take note of till it is too late.

 It is time we started looking at it actively to inspire us to live fuller lives, as what might be your kawaida day might be someone else’s last. So what are you bottling up all that love for? Love your friends, your family, your colleagues, all that brings you joy, and in the same measure, ignore everything else.

A good check to decide whether you are investing your time and love in the right people is to ask yourself if you would cry if that person died.

If the answer is yes, go in and go hard. If the answer is no, be nice to them, you still owe them basic human decency.  

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