Inside Politics

I will vote no if my proposals on the Finance Bill 2024 are not implemented – Wamuchomba

Tuesday, June 11th, 2024 20:58 | By
Githunguri MP Gathoni Wamuchomba. PHOTO/@hon-wamuchomba/X
Githunguri MP Gathoni Wamuchomba. PHOTO/@hon-wamuchomba/X

Githunguri Member of Parliament Gathoni Wamuchomba has vowed to vote against the Finance Bill 2024 if her proposals will not be implemented.

The vocal lawmaker, while speaking to K24 TV ahead of the budget reading for the 2024/2025 Financial Year, raised various concerns against the Finance Bill 2024.

The lawmaker criticized the decision to impose a levy on various commodities used by Kenyans on a daily basis.

Punishment to Kenyans

Wamuchomba pointed out that imposing a levy on edible oil is a punishment for Kenyans.

"Mimi naona ya kwamba wale ambao wanataka kueka hiyo duty watakuwa wamekosea kidogo kwa sababu kuweka excise duty ya 25 per cent ama 35 per cent kwa mafuta ya kupikia hiyo ni kuadhibu wanainchi," Wamuchomba said.

Wamuchomba also aired her concerns on the move to introduce a 16 per cent value-added tax (VAT) on bread. She noted that even if the VAT is removed on bread but the levy on edible oil remains as proposed, the price of the bread will still rise.

"Unajua mkate kama umeongezewa VAT, kumbuka hata huu mkate bado unawekwa mafuta ya kupikia, kwa hivyo kama mafuta itaongezwa hata mkate ukitolewa V.A.T bado utaenda juu," she said.

Poultry farmers

Wamuchomba also highlighted the Bill’s potential disadvantage to Kenyan poultry farmers.

As it stands, the legislation proposes tax-free importation of eggs from members of the East African community.

If implemented, this could undercut local producers due to lower production costs in neighbouring countries.

Wamuchomba noted that Kenyan farmers would be unable to compete with cheaper eggs from Tanzania and Uganda, potentially crippling the domestic poultry industry.

"Inamaanisha wenye wanazalisha mayai Tanzania ama Uganda wanaeza ingiza huku Kenya rahisi. Gharama ya kuzalisha mayai Uganda ama Tanzania iko chini kulinganisha na Kenya na hiyo inamaanisha mayai kutoka Uganda ikikuja huku itauzwa kwa bei ya chini (So this means anyone producing eggs in Tanzania and Uganda can freely bring their eggs here. Allowing that to happen, noting that the cost of production in the two countries is much lower compared to the cost of production in Kenya, means that eggs from Tanzania and Uganda will be sold at a cheaper price)" Wamuchomba said.

Although elected on the ruling United Democratic Alliance (UDA), Wamuchomba has been leading in criticizing the Finance Bill 2024.

In 2023, she also voted against the Finance Bill 2023, which was passed by the parliament and assented to by President Ruto.

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