Inside Politics

ANC, UDA agree to merge in landmark political move

Wednesday, June 19th, 2024 17:44 | By
President William Ruto and Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi with the delegation of UDA and ANC leadership at State House, Nairobi on June 19, 2024. PHOTOS/X (@anc_party)

In a significant political development, the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) and the Amani National Congress (ANC) have announced their decision to merge, aiming to foster stronger national unity and democratic governance in Kenya.

The announcement was made on Wednesday, June 19, 2024, at State House Nairobi, where President William Ruto hosted a high-profile meeting with the elected and nominated Members of Parliament (MPs), Members of County Assemblies (MCAs), grassroots leadership, and national leadership of the ANC.

The ANC delegation was led by Party Leader Governor Issa Timamy, National Chairman Kevin Lunani, and Secretary General Omboko Milemba.

Also in attendance were senior UDA leaders, including National Chairperson Governor Cecily Mbarire and National Assembly Majority Leader Kimani Ichung'wah.

The discussions at the meeting were described as extensive and exhaustive, with both parties agreeing that the merger is a strategic move to strengthen national unity and promote progressive democratic governance.

Joint implementation committee

To ensure a smooth transition, ANC and UDA have resolved to form a joint implementation committee comprising political and legal experts. This committee will expedite the merger process, aligning both parties' strengths and resources to create a formidable political force.

"ANC and UDA both agreed and resolved to form a joint implementation committee comprising of both political and legal minds to expedite the merger process," ANC said in a statement.

President Ruto emphasized his unwavering dedication to the national interest and the need for economic reforms, acknowledging the current challenges but insisting that the reforms will yield transformative progress.

He highlighted that the merger would reduce internal conflicts and improve service delivery to citizens.

UDA and ANC top leadership pose for a photo at State House on June 19, 2024, during the talks to merge the two parties. PHOTOS/X (@anc_party)

Discussions about the merger between the President and the Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi have been ongoing for some time.

Mudavadi, currently serving as the Prime Cabinet Secretary and Cabinet Secretary for Foreign and Diaspora Affairs, emphasized the importance of forging closer national alliances and strengthening democracy.

He stated that the merger is driven by the need for all-inclusive alliances to address national challenges effectively.

Unified front

The meeting was attended by notable figures such as Senate Deputy Speaker Kathure Murungi, MPs Edward Muriu (Gatanga), Kasim Tandaza (Matuga), Malulu Injendi (Malava), Ernest Kagesi (Vihiga), Charles Gimose (Hamisi), Beatrice Adagala (Women Rep, Vihiga County), Joseph Dena (Nominated – ANC), and CAS nominee Alfred Agoi.

Lamu governor Timamy expressed his commitment to working together towards a united and prosperous Kenya, emphasizing that the merger will combine the strengths, resources, and expertise of both parties.

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