Inside Politics

‘Kenya cannot afford 3 days of protests’ – Thika MP Alice Ng’ang’a

Friday, July 14th, 2023 14:20 | By
Thika MP Alice Ng'ang'a addresses journalists at Kiang'ombe village in Thika Town Constituency.
Thika MP Alice Ng'ang'a addresses journalists at Kiang'ombe village in Thika. PHOTO/Mathew Ndung'u

Kenya cannot afford three days of mass protests at a time that it has continued to suffer harsh economic times and slowed economic growth, Thika MP Alice Ng’ang’a has warned.

The MP noted that the country is losing billions every day Kenyans move to the streets to protest against the high cost of living.

The prevailing political activities, she said, could reverse the infrastructural gains made by the country should the countrywide demonstrations continue.

Speaking at Kiang’ombe village during a food donation drive, the MP lamented that looting, destruction and damage of both public and private property during the anti-government protests is detrimental and should be stopped for the country to move forward.

“Kenyans did not go to work on Wednesday and as such, the country lost money in billions. Adding salt to the wound, the demonstrators looted, damaged and destroyed property worth millions. The country cannot continue this way and someone should pay for these ills,” said the MP.

The MP said that President William Ruto’s administration has for a long time been sparing the opposition chiefs but a time has come to arrest anyone found interrupting the social-economic activities and peace of Kenyans.

“The government should arrest the officials involved in the mass destruction of property to serve as a lesson to others. Stern, lawful action should not be postponed any further, it is time we see serious arrests for the country to be peaceful. We are sick and tired of seeing these people destroying property, they are not protestors but looters and criminals who should be taken where they belong,” added the MP.

The MP spoke hours after the Azimio team announced that from next week, mass protests will be happening three days in a week.

Azimio protests

In a statement to newsrooms, the Azimio team announced that protests will henceforth be held on Wednesdayss, Thursdays and Fridays following what they termed as requests from the public.

“Going forward, the peaceful protests will now be held on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday next week, in line with requests from the public to include three days of activity,” the statement read in sections.

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