Inside Politics

Ruto tells Uhuru not to stab his back

Friday, March 18th, 2022 16:38 | By
President Uhuru Kenyatta and DP William Ruto. PHOTO/Courtesy

Deputy President William Ruto took his presidential campaign to President Uhuru Kenyatta's home with a plea to his boss to withdraw his backing of his chief opponent Raila Odinga.

"With a lot of humility, I am sending you the people of Gatundu with a message to my friend and brother President Kenyatta to remember how far we have come together. Tell him to vacate the political battle between me and Raila," he said at Mutomo village a stone's throw-away from Uhuru's Ichaweri rural home.

Accompanied by his Kenya Kwanza principals Musalia Mudavadi and Moses Wetangula among other leaders during a tour of Gatundu, the DP appeared to have toned down his previous hardline stand against the President.

"I am asking my friend the President not to use the same political sword we had used together to undermine me. He should leave me to face Raila in the race for the presidency," Ruto stated.

He recalled that during the two terms he and the President sought re-election, they always asked for the blessings, prayers and support of Gatundu voters, including from Mama Ngina Kenyatta herself.

"I have come here to thank you for your prayers and support when we first visited Gatundu in 2013 with my friend Uhuru at a time we were facing criminal charges at the ICC and your prayers enabled us to win the election despite the circumstances," the DP said.

Regarding a plea by Mutomo residents over planned evictions to pave way for Mama Ngina University, Ruto said no one will lose their land over the proposed expansion of the institution.

"I can assure you that nobody will lose their land. The government you elected respects the rule of law and we shall ensure justice prevails," he maintained.

Locals had expressed concern over plans to evict them and asked the DP to intervene.

Ruto was accompanied by among others Gatundu South MP Moses Kuria, his Thika counterpart Patrick Wainaina'Jungle' and Senator Kimani Wamatangi who are eyeing the Kiambu governorship.

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