Inside Politics

Railways: Iconic house from which third most powerful leader Mudavadi will operate

Tuesday, November 1st, 2022 06:10 | By
Kenya Railways headquarters. 
Kenya Railways headquarters. PHOTO/Courtesy.

Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi will run State affairs from Kenya Railways headquarters. 

 The iconic building where Kenya’s third in command will operate from was designed and built in 1920s. It is a national monument, with its spacious compound and architectural design.

Contrary to assertions that it was degrading to work in a noisy environment characterised by the matatu sector craze, Mudavadi told the vetting committee that he was comfortable with the building, owing to its proximity to ordinary people.

“The busy public transport terminus will be a constant reminder why we are in office. Seeing the people at the bus terminus will be a reminder that we have work to do on the promises we made to them. A walk into Muthurwa and a talk to residents should reflect on what we have to do,” said Mudavadi.

It is this same building that Queen Elizabeth (deceased) visited when she arrived from Tree Top Hotel, before she flew back to Britain to become the Queen after the demise of her father, King George VI in 1952.

Designed by Sir Herbert Baker, a British architect, the building resembles neo-classical buildings in Europe. It has the same iconic features of the High Court and State House, both designed by Sir Baker.

And once again, the building’s memories were re-ignited through President William Ruto’s Executive Order No. 1 of 2022 that has designated it to house the Office of the Prime Cabinet Secretary.

Now a national monument, the complex that stands tall in the middle of Nairobi consists of four blocks built around a central quadrangle.Exotic design

Sir Baker used different exotic designs to make it stand out, such as Njiru Blue Stone, Mangalore tiled roof, timber trusses and stone archways. The building, which holds a lot of symbolism as a national monument faces the busy Railway terminus. Its design ensures comfort and an auspicious environment.

It remains a marvel, with a large plant courtyard that provides a cool environment due to a combination of evapotranspiration, reflection, shading and storage of cool air.

Meanwhile, Mudavadi has called upon elected leaders to put aside political intrigues and focus on how they are going to deliver to the electorate the pledges they made.

Speaking at Bukhungu Stadium in Kakamega town on Saturday when he graced the golden jubilee celebrations for former Kakamega Diocese, Bishop Philip Sulumeti, Mudavadi said Kenyans should unite in confronting the challenges facing the country.

Others at the event included Kakamega Governor Fernandes Barasa, Deputy Governor Ayub Savula, Senator Boni Khalwale, Woman Rep Elsie Muhanda, her Vihiga counterpart Beatrice Adagala, and former Azimio presidential running mate Martha Karua.

 who was also present, called on leaders to be at the forefront of safeguarding constitutional gains that the country had made.

She said the citizenry should embrace unity in diversity, and called upon Kakamega Governor Fernandes Barasa, who was at the event, to cooperate with the National government “but from a position of strength”.

She explained that elected leaders should work together in respect, with each one of them standing in their space, so that checks and balances are observed.

Barasa said his government would work with all leaders irrespective of their political affiliations and that to cement a better working relationship, the County government would initiate an annual prayer breakfast that would bring political and religious leaders together to foster cooperation.

Also present at the ceremony were Kakamega Deputy Governor Ayub Savula, Senator Boni Khalwale, Women Representative Elsie Muhanda and her Vihiga counterpart Beatrice Adagala, among others.

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