Inside Politics

‘I agree with the one man, one shilling revenue-sharing conversation’ – Raila

Thursday, June 6th, 2024 15:04 | By
Raila Odinga during a past press briefing
Raila Odinga during a past press briefing. PHOTO/@RailaOdinga/X

Azimio la Umoja-One Kenya coalition party leader Raila Odinga has thrown his weight behind the "one man, one vote, one shilling" revenue-sharing formula.

Speaking on Thursday, June 6, 2024, Odinga said that the formula, if implemented, would ensure equity in revenue allocation in the country.

"There are several areas which still need to be looked at (in the Constitution), particularly the devolution chapter. We talked about equity in sharing of resources in our country, not equality. That means you take count of the number of people where they are. One of the points that was discussed extensively during the deliberations in Limuru, according to information that we have is the issue of resource sharing of our country," Raila stated.

Raila on equity

Raila's sentiments come at a time when the conversation about the revenue-sharing formula is re-emerging, with Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua being a big advocate of the formula.

Raila also revealed that the conversation featured prominently during the Limuru III meeting which brought together leaders from the central region of Kenya.

"Somehow this thing has been misrepresented as if it is discriminating against some parts of our country. It is not a question of discrimination. We want to ensure that each and every Kenyan gets a fair share of resources generated by our sweat," Raila added.

"That is why in the BBI (Building Bridges Initiative) we proposed it. We want to ensure that each and every Kenyan is fairly and equally treated. That is why we agree with the phrase "one man, one vote, one shilling". I agree totally with this. I am not a populist, I always talk my mind openly. Let us have this conversation."

Mt Kenya leaders launched a political coalition dubbed Haki Coalition during the Limuru III meeting aimed at vouching for the "one man, one vote, one shilling" revenue-sharing formula.

During the Limuru III meeting, the leaders present agreed to work towards uniting the region along the three thematic areas; which include political, social and economic.

It was also agreed that the region would pursue its interests collectively, including the push for one man, one vote, one shilling formula for sharing national resources.

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