Inside Politics

ODM meets over fate of legislators who voted for Finance Bill

Tuesday, June 25th, 2024 09:00 | By
ODM party leader Raila Odinga consult with Deputy Party leader Ambetsa Oparanya. PHOTO/@TheODMparty/X

Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) will meet today to engage with its members of the National Assembly who voted in favour of the Financial Bill 2024 last week.

 On Sunday, ODM Secretary-General, Edwin Sifuna said that the party will meet after the final Finance Bill vote to exercise his proposal of engaging with the party’s members who went against the people’s wishes.

 “We have scheduled a meeting for this week to agree on the names as it has to be a decision of the party,” Sifuna said.

People’s wish

 On the same, he added that two MPs who violated the people’s wish would be disciplined to set an example to the rest.

 “We will meet after the final vote so that we agree on the two names. You just need what we call proof of concept. We need two; one from the rural constituency and another from urban area,” he said.

He added that that was his proposal as the secretary general of the party and if the party’s central committee members feel that they can do more than two then that would be fine with him.

 This follows Sifuna’s warning last week that the party will expel its legislators who will go against people’s wishes by voting in favour of the financial bill. Despite this warning, thirteen ODM legislators voted in favor of the Finance Bill and will be facing the wrath of the other legislators.

 On Thursday last week, the proposed financial bill went through its second reading where a majority of legislators voted in favour of it. 204 legislators voted in support of the bill while 115 voted against it.

 The Finance Bill will be going through its third reading; the final stage today where there will be a little debate engaged with the legislators and the final vote will be taken.

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