Inside Politics

Musalia warns of scheme to eject Ruto from power through Finance Bill 2024 rejection

Friday, June 21st, 2024 18:58 | By
Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi addressing a church congregation in Teso, Busia County, on Sunday, January 21, 2024. PHOTO/PCS
Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi addressing a church congregation in Teso, Busia County, on Sunday, January 21, 2024. PHOTO/PCS

Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi has warned of a possible scheme to kick President William Ruto out of office through a vote of no confidence.

Speaking on Friday, June 21, 2024, Musalia noted those pushing Members of Parliament (MPs) to reject the Finance Bill 2024 are plotting to ouster Ruto and call for fresh elections.

While alluding to other developed nations, Musalia explained that in any democracy when a Finance Bill fails to sail through it signifies a lack of confidence in the government.

"I want you to understand that Finance Bill is the foundation of the government. Internationally, when Finance Bill is rejected the net effect is that a government has been ejected from power.

Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi addresses the press when he presided over the launch of Pearson Virtual University Enterprises Test Centre in Nairobi, yesterday. PHOTO/Phillip Kamakya
Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi addresses the press when he presided over the launch of Pearson Virtual University Enterprises Test Centre in Nairobi. PHOTO/Phillip Kamakya

"It is equal to a vote of no confidence in a government. So that is not a game, it is not just any other normal thing. If you reject the Finance Bill in any government, they will say that is a vote of no confidence therefore the government must go home and organise fresh elections," Mudavadi warned.

The Foreign Affairs Cabinet Secretary warned the MPs allied to President William Ruto not to take it lightly.

"People are planning to reject Finance Bill so that they say it was a vote of no confidence in William Ruto so he should go home. Don't take it lightly, don't take it like a joke."

Economic recovery

Musalia revealed that he told the people that President Ruto's administration would need more than two years to turn around the economy.

He pointed out the predecessors had sunk the country into a debt hole which the government is currently struggling to pay.

"I remember telling Kenyans that there is a huge debt hole which would require a minimum of three years for us to see the outcome," he insisted.

Message to protesters

Nonetheless, Mudavadi lauded the protesters for holding peaceful demonstrations. He observed that there were no cases of looting and violence in various parts of the country.

Young protesters in Nairobi streets, demanding rejection of 2024/25 Finance Bill. PHOTO/Kenna Claude
Young protesters in Nairobi streets, demanding rejection of 2024/25 Finance Bill. PHOTO/Kenna Claude.

He however appealed to the young protesters to give Ruto time to implement measures that would create employment opportunities and revive the economy.

However, organisers of the protests have vowed to stage more demos in the coming weeks to pile more pressure on MPs and President William Ruto's administration.

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