Inside Politics

‘Apologise to all Kenyans’ – CS Kuria says after DP Gachagua apologised to Mama Ngina

Tuesday, March 26th, 2024 20:16 | By
Public Service CS Moses Kuria
Public Service CS Moses Kuria. PHOTO/@HonMoses_Kuria/X.

 Cabinet Secretary for Public Service, Performance and Delivery Management Moses Kuria has urged politicians to apologise to all Kenyans for past mistakes.

Kuria's sentiments come a day after Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua apologised to former First Lady Mama Ngina Kenyatta and urged her to forgive those who demeaned her during the 2022 General Elections campaigns.

"To exorcise the demons of divisive politics of the past, we should apologise to all Kenyans from all communities. I offer my full and unqualified apology to any Kenyan from all communities that I may have wronged in the past," Kuri stated.

Kuria's statement seems to be aimed at the Deputy President, with whom they have been silently battling for political supremacy in the Mt Kenya region.

Gachagua's apology

Speaking during an interview with Kameme radio and TV, Gachagua termed Mama Ngina as a mother to the Mt Kenya region, saying he made a mistake in demeaning her.

“I am sorry for involving Mama Ngina Kenyatta in the last general elections politics. She is our mother. I, therefore, ask for forgiveness on behalf of our team. I will never allow anyone to demean her or anyone from the region,” Gachagua said.

“We plead with Mama Ngina as our mother to forgive us, in our community we do not throw insults at our parents, we need to change, even if we are in competition a parent remains a parent.”

DP Rigathi Gachagua
Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua. PHOTO/DPCS

Gachagua called on leaders to embrace unity within the Mount Kenya region and the country.

“Our unity is our strength and that’s why I keep insisting that our generation should be protected. Anytime we are in the government we need to have unison in our thinking and loving one another. I’m receiving messages from my known foes who are now supporting my bid to bring people together as it has been in the past,” he said.

Kuria, Gachagua differ

This is not the first time that Kuria and Gachagua have differed publicly.

In January, the two differed over how the government would deal with the illegal sect Mungiki.

Kuria said despite the group re-emerging slowly, cases of intimidation and death threats will not be the appropriate way of handling the matter.

“Young people from Mt Kenya will not be killed in the name of Mungiki. I am ready to pay every price for this but I will not allow them to be killed or intimidated. Leaders from the Mt Kenya region should look for a better way to handle this matter. Intimidation will never work,” he said.

On his side, Gachagua assured that the government will not allow the mushrooming of the illegal Mungiki sect urging the youth to shun attempts to be initiated in the outlawed group.

 “An attempt is being made to revive the criminal gang and two months ago they had started collecting money from touting stages, hardwares and harassing women. I don’t want our leaders to be intimidated because those are few individuals,” he said.

In another incident,  Kuria said that the current approach by the government to fight alcoholism, which Gachagua leads, lacks the intellectual aspect.

"I'm here and calling for a third (approach). There is the intellectual approach which is really totally missing," Kuria said, drumming support for further legislation, terming it as a work in progress.

According to Kuria, the problem of illicit brews in the market emanates from the taxation system, which has seen manufacturers either evade taxes or use illegal ingredients to make alcohol.

"The war against illicit alcohol can only be won if it is approached from the producer's perspective rather than consumers,” he added.

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