Inside Politics

Kivutha Kibwana wants Kalonzo out of Azimio, says Raila is not about to retire

Monday, January 2nd, 2023 01:51 | By
Kibutha Kibwana wants Kalonzo out of Azimio, says Raila is not about to retire
Kibutha Kibwana and Kalonzo Musyoka. PHOTO/Courtesy.

Former Makueni governor Kivutha Kibwana has urged Kalonzo Musyoka to suspend his membership in Azimio la Umoja One Kenya alliance.

Kibwana called on Kalonzo to think his stay in Azimio while reacting to a newspaper piece where the Wiper leader asked president William Ruto to notify him while visiting Machakos.

"I hear William Ruto is coming to Machakos tomorrow, he should be told it's so disrespectful to visit one's homestead without the owner's consent," Kalonzo was quoted as saying by the newspaper.

Reacting to Kalonzo's sentiments as quoted by the paper, Kibwana said Kalonzo should suspend his membership in Azimio and consult his community on his new political move.

The former Makueni governor claimed that Raila was not about to retire from Azimio.

Kibwana further stated that the only way the Kamba community would ever be liberated was if Kalonzo himself was to quit politics, questioning if Raila's supporters would ever embrace him even if the ODM leader was to endorse him.

"I heard Kalonzo Musyoka was to make a grand statement. Since 2004 when he became regional kingship, he has, like Chief Kasina of colonial times, used his position to largely lobby for self, family and a few friends. SKM's Damascus moment would involve him suspending AZIMIO membership.
After that he would then consult his community on new political move. Raila Odinga is not about to retire. His troops will dig in. Even if he was to say SKM tosha, would Baba's voters embrace Kalonzo? Minus careful planning, Kambas will only be liberated upon SKM's political departure
," Kivutha Kibwana wrote on Facebook.

Kenya Kwanza

Kivutha Kibwana quit Azimio in August 2022 just after the General Election and vowed to work with Ruto’s Kenya Kwanza team.

The former Makueni governor aligned himself with Kenya Kwanza even before Ruto was sworn in as president.

He joined the coalition’s legal team on the presidential petition.

“We associate with the leadership that governor Kibwana has manifested in agreeing to work with us in furthering our country’s development agenda. The Makueni Governor will join the Kenya Kwanza legal team in the ongoing presidential election petition," Ruto stated when Kibwana joined Kenya Kwanza on August 23, 2022.

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