Inside Politics

Gachagua sees off Ruto to US moments after his allies hit out at State House

Monday, May 20th, 2024 08:03 | By
Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua shaking hands with President William Ruto at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport on Sunday night. PHOTO/@StateHouseKenya/X
Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua shaking hands with President William Ruto at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport on Sunday night. PHOTO/@StateHouseKenya/X

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua was among top government officials who saw off President William Ruto at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport on Sunday night May 19, 2024, as he jetted out for a three-day state visit to the United States.

Ruto was seen off by his deputy Gachagua whose allies have decried a plot within the ruling UDA party to undermine DP's authority.

Ruto's US Visit

State House spokesperson Hussein Mohamed termed Ruto's US visit as historic, as it demonstrates the robust partnership between Kenya and the United States.

Deputy Rigathi Gachagua walking alongside President William Ruto and other top government officials at JKIA. PHOTO/@StateHouseKenya/X

"This visit is historic as it is the first state visit by a Kenyan head of state in two decades and the first by an African head of state since 2008," Hussein said during a media briefing on Sunday.

Gachagua's Public Appearance

Gachagua made a public appearance on Sunday, May 19, 2024, at a church fundraiser in Nyeri County, after several days of absence.

Gachagua had skipped several important state functions raising speculations on his relationship with the head of state.

Gachagua Allies Fight Back

During the fundraiser held at Sacred Heart Endarasha Catholic Church, DP Gachagua's allies led by Nyeri Governor Mutahi Kahiga hit out at State House which they accused of undermining their 'son'.

The church event was turned into a forum to defend the DP with the politicians in attendance vowing to fight back should a section of leaders in Kenya Kwanza continue undermining the second in command.

Rigathi Gachagua in Church in Kieni. PHOTO/Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua. PHOTO/@rigathi/X
Rigathi Gachagua in Church in Kieni. PHOTO/@rigathi/X

"Kama mbaya mbaya...(loosely translates to enough is enough)..we will not allow what happened to President Ruto when he was deputy president, to happen to our son. We the people of Mt. Kenya woke up early to elect this government," Governor Kahiga said.

Some of Gachagua's allies, without giving elaborate explanation, claimed that a plot to undermine the DP was hatched in Rift Valley.

Embakasi North MP James Gakuya warned against a divided Mount Kenya region and insisted on a unified front led by Gachagua.

Gakuya warned that the Mount Kenya region might end up divided should they allow forces from outside the region to interfere with their own affairs.

However, Hussein during his media briefing downplayed the bad blood between President Ruto and his deputy.

Responding to questions, Hussein said the head of state was on good terms with Gachagua, and should anyone want clarifications, he/she could walk to the office of the deputy president and find out.

"To the best of my knowledge, there is no issue between the President and his Deputy. The Deputy President’s office is an office with all capabilities and competencies. If you want to ask any question or find out anything about the Deputy President, you can get it there," Hussein said.

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