Inside Politics

‘Just eat your tomatoes’- Etale tells off apologetic Azimio MP who voted YES for controversial Finance Bill

Friday, June 28th, 2024 13:51 | By
ODM communication director Philip Etale. PHOTO/Philip Etale/ Facebook
ODM communication director Philip Etale. PHOTO/Philip Etale/ Facebook

Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) Party Director of Communications Philip Etale has told off an Azimio Member of Parliament (MP) who took to social media to apologise after he voted in favour of the controversial Finance Bill, 2024.

Etale through his official X account on Friday, June 28, 2024, told Taveta MP John Bwire that he had gone against the wishes of the people who elected him.

"Mheshimiwa John Bwire, the people of Taveta and particularly, the peasant farmers and sisal farm workers voted for you in Azimio la Umoja One Kenya Coalition through Wiper Democratic Movement Party ticket. You went in bed with the people they didn’t like. Please, just eat your tomatoes" Etale stated.

Bwire who was elected on Azimio affiliated Wiper Democratic Movement Party was among the 204 MPs who voted yes for the Finance Bill 2024 in the Second Reading stage.

He was also among the MPs who hurriedly approved the controversial Bill in the Committee stage, paving the way for presidential assent.

President Ruto, however, declined to sign the Bill into law and withdrew it following deadly protests that were witnessed on Tuesday, June 25, 2024.

Following President Ruto's withdrawal of the Bill, a section of the MPs who had approved it in parliament started issuing apologies to their electorates.

Bwire is among the MPs who took to social media to issue a public apology, regretting his decision to vote YES for the Bill.

Taveta MP John Bwire during a past event. PHOTO/Hon. John Bwire/Facebook.

Bwire in a statement made via his official Facebook page said he had learnt his lesson, noting that it was good for him to apologise after making the mistake.

Duniani hakuna aliye mkamilifu. Naombeni msamaha nilikosea kwa kupiga YES.

"Nimejifunza kitu ukikosea la muhimu ni kuomba msamaha, unavyoendelea kujieleza ndio unavyoendelea kukwaza uliowakosea. Poleni sana. Maisha ni shule na kila siku naendelea kujifunza. Kwa hili nimejifunza.Poleni sana (I have learnt something, if you do wrong, it is important to apologise. The moment you continue justifying yourself is when you hurt more those you wronged. I am sorry. Life is a school and every day I continue to learn. On this, I have learnt)," Bwire stated in his Facebook post made on Sunday, June 27, 2024.

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