Drama as Kabogo, Wamatangi trade salvos at Gachagua’s rally
By Clement.Kamau, June 15, 2022
What had started as a friendly Kenya Kwanza campaign ended in a bitter exchange of barbs after two Kiambu gubernatorial aspirants clashed.
Area senator Kimani Wamatangi clashed with former governor William Kabogo in a show of might and popularity.
It all started when the senator was invited to address the crowd at Kagwe shopping center in Lari after Kabogo.
Kabogo rudely interrupted the lawmaker a few minutes into his speech. The duo then engaged in a heated war of words as their supporters cheered them on.
The duo, on top of their vehicles called each other unprintable names with Wamatangi managing to silence Kabogo who contained his cool with his hand folded behind his back.
Efforts by Rigathi Gachagua to contain the ugly situation which almost degenerated into a fight bore no fruits as the exchange continued unabated.
The clash happened after the campaign team conducted four successful rallies at Ngecha, Limuru Town, Kwa Rubathi and Kimende with only one destination, Githiga, to the conclusion of the political whirlwind.