Inside Politics

Azimio demos: Charity Ngilu breaks silence

Thursday, April 6th, 2023 10:44 | By
Former Kitui Governor Charity Ngilu in a past event.
Former Kitui Governor Charity Ngilu in a past event. PHOTO/ Courtesy

Former Kitui Governor Charity Ngilu has broken her silence over her absence in the Azimio la Umoja-One Kenya coalition party anti-government protests.

Responding to concerns raised about her absence in Azimio's anti-government demonstrations, Ngilu said she is behind them despite her not being involved directly in the demonstrations.

"I know one of the leaders said they can not see Ngilu and it is very true that you can not see me but am not far away. But I want to say that those who are asking about my whereabouts, started demonstrating just the other day while I have inhaled teargas since 1992," Ngilu said.

Ngilu commends Kalonzo

Ngilu also commended Wiper Party leader Kalonzo for staying in Azimio and taking part in the demos, saying that he was "on the right direction".

“I see what you are doing Kalonzo and I want to encourage you to soldier on since that is the right direction,” Ngilu said.

The former county boss also noted that the Kenya Kwanza government has not yet fulfilled its promises to the people of Kenya noting that they promised to lower prices of food commodities and fuel which has not yet been witnessed.

“As Azimio, we had a clear roadmap on what we were going to do should we win the Presidency. Others said as soon as they put down the Bible, maize flour price would reduce to Ksh70," Ngilu said.

Speaking during the same event Kalonzo urged Ngilu to also come out and join the opposition in fighting for the interests of the people.

"My sister Charity, I want to see you next time, if I am demonstrating I want to see you there," Kalonzo said.

Kalonzo also asked the Kamba community to stop being cowards and be on the frontline in the battle for the presidency in the 2027 general election.

"We the Kamba community showed the nation too much cowardliness, but am thankful for the few who supported the demonstrations," Kalonzo said.

The former vice president also urged his people to stop the narrative of asking Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) leader Raila Odinga to return a favour and support his presidential ambitions in 2027, saying power is not given but taken.

"These things are never given they are grabbed, you go for it, and if you want to quote the bible, Matthew 12:11 since the days of John the Baptist, the kingdom of God suffers violence and the violent shall take it by force," Kalonzo added.

Azimio suspended the demos on Sunday, April 2, 2023, to allow for talks with the government.

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