Inside Politics

‘Wetang’ula should never preside over next sitting without apology, resignation letter’- MP Caleb Amisi

Friday, June 28th, 2024 14:51 | By
Saboti MP Caleb Amisi. PHOTO/@Honcalebamisi/X
Saboti MP Caleb Amisi. PHOTO/@Honcalebamisi/X.

Saboti Member of Parliament (MP) Caleb Amisi has hit out at National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetang'ula for what he has termed as lacking a human heart.

Amisi in a statement issued through his official X account on Friday, June 28, 2024, faulted Wetang'ula for presiding over the Finance Bill 2024 at a time when Kenyans were being killed around the parliament for protesting against the same Bill.

Wetangula KDF deployment approval

The Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) lawmaker has also slammed Wetang'ula for hurriedly approving the deployment of the Kenya Defense Forces (KDF) during the anti-government protests.

He says Wetang'ula approved the KDF deployment without proper procedures.

"The speaker of the National Assembly has a satanic heart. A parliament destroyed, blood outside parliament of Kenyans killed while he was busy presiding over a Finance Bill, which has been rejected by president and still approving KDF hurriedly without proper procedures," Amisi stated.

Amisi went ahead to point out that Wetang'ula left MPs with disability on their own by presiding over the Finance Bill, 2024, knowing very well that the parliament could be invaded by the protesters.

National Assembly Speaker, Moses Wetangula at a past function. PHOTO/@HonWetangula/X
National Assembly Speaker, Moses Wetang'ula at a past function. PHOTO/@HonWetangula/X

The lawmaker argues that nominated MP Jackson Kosgei was left to burn inside the parliament when it was invaded by the protesters on Tuesday, June 25, 2024.

Wetang'ula resignation

Amisi believes that Wetang'ula should not be allowed to preside over the next parliamentary sittings without offering an apology, and handing in a resignation letter.

"Running faster than a gazelle in an ambulance, leaving disabled members like Hon Bishop Kosgei to burn inside parliament. He should never preside over next sitting without apology and letter of resignation. Bure, kabisa," Amisi stated.

Amisi has previously called out Wetang'ula for what he claimed as having failed the Western region.

MP Kosgei while narrating his ordeal said that he, together with his colleague who is walking on crutches, made a choice to face the protesters after the MPs escaped leaving them behind.

The lawmaker who spoke to one of the local dailies said the evacuation route out was not friendly to the user of wheelchairs.

He said the protesters requested him to allow them to be escorted out of the building when they knew who he was and also knew where he voted on the Finance Bill 2024.

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