Inside Politics

AG Muturi adds voice to raging revenue sharing debate

Tuesday, June 11th, 2024 08:00 | By
Attorney General Justin Muturi. PHOTO/Print
Attorney General Justin Muturi. PHOTO/Print

Attorney General Justin Muturi has called for a more thoughtful approach in the ongoing debate over the formula for revenue sharing, urging politicians to focus on the constitutional provisions governing the matter.

He also challenged the Senate to be more proactive and rein in rogue governors implicated in misuse of monies allocated to their counties.

 Speaking at ACK St Barnabas Kavengero Secondary school in Kanyuambora, in Mbeere North, Embu county, Muturi challenged politicians to ensure  Article 203 of the Constitution, which outlines the principles of equitable revenue sharing, is properly applied.

Muturi stressed that the real discussion should center on the effective utilisation of resources allocated  to county governments since the advent of devolution.

While acknowledging improvements in many counties, he expressed  concerns over  the lack of prudent use of public funds.

“The current debate which I have heard about a kilometre, I don’t know one shilling, perhaps we need to tone down, go back to the Constitution particularly Article 203.  Are we implying that the monies which have been allocated to counties was not enough?  We need a conversation on how prudently those resources have been applied 11 years since the advent of devolution,”Muturi observed.

The Attorney General pointed out that despite progress in a number of counties, there is widespread disquiet regarding the expenditure of public resources in several counties.

He called for increased accountability and transparency in how county funds are managed.

“There have been significant improvements in many counties, but the question of prudent expenditure remains,” he added.

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