Inside Politics

Acting clerk reveals order of businesses awaiting 13th Parliament

Friday, August 26th, 2022 06:15 | By
Acting clerk reveals order of businesses awaiting 13th Parliament
Acting Clerk of the National Assembly Serah Kioko.

Election of House Speaker, Leader of Majority and Minority, as well as reconstitution of House committees, will be given priority when the thirteenth Parliament convenes.

Lawmakers will also elect new commissioners of the Parliamentary Service Commission (PSC), as the terms of the current commissioners ended with the last Parliament.

The MPs are expected to be sworn to office by September 9. They have a full in-tray of work to start with. Acting Clerk of the National Assembly Serah Kioko says that once sworn in, the MPs’ first business will be the election of the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker.

Kioko adds that various publications have been prepared to help MPs understand their specific mandates, including legislative and oversight.

“During the first sitting of the House, the Clerk of the National Assembly will preside over the House and shall administer the Oath or Affirmation of Office to Members-Elect, in accordance with Article 74 of the Constitution and Standing Orders 3 of the National Assembly,” she explains.

“This will be followed by election and swearing-in of the Speaker, who will then preside over election and swearing-in of the Deputy Speaker. Afterwards, the members will undergo induction sessions,” she says.

New committees include diaspora, public debt and privatisation, decentralised funds, public petitions, housing, regional development and social welfare.

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