
Joe Biden’s win heralds a fresh beginning

Monday, November 9th, 2020 00:00 | By
US President Joe Biden and his Vice President Kamala Harris PHOTO/COURTESY

Americans voted emphatically to remove President Donald Trump from office after a heated campaign. 

Former Vice-President Joe Biden and former California Senator Kamala Harris will now occupy the White House for the next four years. 

The election was historic in many ways. Biden garnered the highest number of votes for a presidential candidate in American history. 

And for a man who has suffered a series of misfortunes in his life, his election is a recognition of resilience and integrity in public service.

It is also an endorsement of commitment to democracy, family values, stability and science-based decision making.

Biden’s humility and grace is a contrast to Trump’s arrogance and inebriation with himself. Harris will not only be the first woman vice-president but also the first person of colour to occupy that office.

Her election would be an inspiration to a lot of women globally and a role model for young girls. 

It was a unique election as it occurred amidst a devastating pandemic which has claimed thousands of lives across America, partly attributed to the irresponsible decisions of Trump who has consistently ignored science  and continued to peddle conspiracy theories and lies.

A defiant Trump has refused to concede defeat even as Biden has reached out to all Americans, stressing that it was time to heal. 

Instead, Trump has vowed to contest the election results in the Supreme Court.

But not before making disparaging and false comments deriding the integrity of the election in a manner that sounded inciting and polarising.

As it has been pointed by key leaders across the globe,  Biden’s election heralds America’s return to multilateralism and faith in international organisations  and befitting blow to arrogance and impunity. 

There is particular hope that it could mark a turning point in the relationship between the US and Africa for which Trump had no regard. 

It could also restore faith in America as the leader  of the civilised world.  

The election provides as sense of hope and stability to the world that has been kept on edge because of Trump’s erratic behaviour.

It restores the place of truth in management of public affairs. As Biden and Harris prepare to settle on the job, we expect them to engage the rest of the world in addressing serious challenges such as the coronavirus pandemic, slowed economies, climate change, human rights and democracy.

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