
KTDA announces bumper bonus earning for tea farmers

Tuesday, May 28th, 2024 01:45 | By
KTDA Boss Enos Njeru
KTDA Boss Enos Njeru. PHOTO/Print

Kenya Tea Development Agency (KTDA) Chairman Enos Njeru has projected this year’s tea bonus at Sh60 per kilogramme and accused a section of politicians of spreading propaganda to cause confusion among farmers.

Addressing residents at Kianjokoma in Manyatta, Embu, Njeru emphasized that some politicians have been spreading  false information claiming the bonus will be Sh80, with the intent to mislead and confuse  tea farmers.

Njeru’s announcement comes at a crucial time as tea farmers across the country  anticipate annual bonuses.  “These false projections are a tactic by some political figures to create unrest among our hardworking farmers,” Njeru stated, urging farmers to disregard the misleading information and trust the official projections provided by KTDA.

In his address, Njeru highlighted the ongoing reforms within the KTDA aimed at increasing transparency and ensuring that farmers receive the full benefits of their labor. He reaffirmed the agency’s commitment to improving the welfare of tea farmers through these strategic reforms, which are designed to streamline operations and enhance profitability.

Njeru further called on the farming community to exercise discernment in the upcoming elections of tea sector leaders scheduled for July. “It’s imperative that we elect leaders who are genuinely committed to advancing the tea agenda and ensuring that farmers are not exploited.”

This plea underscores the importance of having responsible and accountable leadership in KTDA.

Implementing reforms

The chairman pointed out that the KTDA has been making significant strides in implementing reforms, which include better pricing mechanisms, reducing operational costs, and increasing efficiency in tea processing and marketing. He said these measures are expected to yield better returns for farmers in the long term.

The chairman said they are installing  machines for Orthodox tea production in factories located in Embu a strategy aimed at enhancing the quality and variety of tea processed in the region, diversifying the products available to the market.

He said this meticulous production process results in a higher quality tea that commands better prices in both local and international markets.

“By investing in the necessary machinery for Orthodox tea, KTDA aims to position Embu as a key player in the global tea market, attracting higher prices and improving the overall income for local farmers,”Njeru told the farmers. Furthermore, he said the adoption of orthodox tea production underscores KTDA’s commitment to innovation and modernisation.

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