Ketraco to get Sh14b for project
By Herald Aloo, June 29, 2022
Kenya Electricity Transmission Company (Ketraco) is set to receive funding from African Development Bank (AfDB) and Korean government to construct over 272 kilometres of high voltage transmission lines across different parts of the country.
Official documents from AfDB seen by Business Hub show that the five projects will cut across Kabarnet, Rumuruti, Narok, Bomet, Weru, Malindi, Nanyuki and Kilifi, with funding approvals slated for November this year.
“Few months ago, the African Development Bank and the Export Import Bank of Korea (KEXIM) jointly conducted an appraisal mission in Kenya to finance the Transmission network Improvement Project,” the document reads in part.
Project cost
“Both the African Development Bank and the Republic of Korea will approve the financing in November 2022,” it says.
The overall project cost is estimated at $119 million (Sh13.8 billion). AfDB and KEXM will pump $97 million (Sh11.3 billion) in loan funding as Kenya shoulders the remaining cost.
Among the projects to be prioritised is the 132 Kilovolts (kV) underground cable which is at design stage to link Nanyuki and Rumuriti in Laikipia county. Demand for high wayleave compensation and protests over possible interference with air flights has delayed erection of some of high-mast overhead power transmission lines, leading to constant power outages in the area as demand surges.
The Sh1.9 billion underground project is anticipated to break the gridlock after its procurement process commenced March 2021. This has, however, been rocked with further delays following legal battles between China CAMC Engineering Co. Ltd and DEC-Hanhe Consortium over an alleged irregular tendering process at Ketraco.
Once completed, the underground line will reinforce the 400 kV Mariakani substation which is at 60 per cent completed.
Other projects include 111 km double circuit 132 kV line from Kabarnet to Rumuruti, 88 km of 132 kV double circuit transmission along Narok-Bomet, Weru-Malindi 22 km of 220 kV single circuit line, and 51 km of 220 kV double circuit line from Weru to Kilifi.