Boom for farmers as factory releases Sh616m tea bonus

By , September 19, 2024

It is a boon for Nyankoba tea factory farmers after it declared historic high bonus pay of Sh616 million to growers.

According to the outgoing KTDA Board Member and Moturumesi Director Thadeus Mangenya Nyankoba’s 22,000 growers will be paid Sh40 per kilo of green tea sold to the factory, an increase of Sh5 from the Sh35 that they were paid last year.

“Nyankoba paid the highest bonus in Gusii and we ensured that all Nyamira factories received a better pay of above Sh30,” he said. Nyansiongo Tea Factory farmers who also received their returns Monday will receive Sh30 per kilo of green tea.

“We paid our farmers 75 of the total sells the factory registered in the financial year, something that has never happened in the past,” Mangenya said.

Rigoma Zone Director Nelson Mokaya who is in charge of the factory’s human resources attributed the high returns to high quality of green tea as well as best management practices that motivated the production team to give their best.

Nyankoba Factory Unit Manager Joash Keraita said there was improved quality of tea sold to the factory from 14 million Kgs to 15.4 million Kgs this year.

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