Author: PSCU

Agricultural innovation key to poverty reduction – President Ruto

Reading Time: 2 minutes Zimbabwe President Emmerson Mnangagwa. PHOTO/State House

Ruto: There is no position reserved for any community or region

Reading Time: 3 minutes President William Ruto led the country in giving the late Chief of Defence Forces (CDF) General Francis Ogolla a befitting […]

Loss-making parastatals must go – President Ruto

Reading Time: 2 minutes The time is up for loss-making parastatals, President William Ruto has said. And those that make profits must stop wasteful […]

President Ruto: Economy rebounds signal bright future

Reading Time: < 1 minutes President William Ruto has assured Kenyans that the economy has bounced back and the country is set for better times. […]

SHIF to seal corruption loopholes, assures Ruto

Reading Time: 2 minutes President William Ruto has urged Kenyans to register for the Social Health Insurance Fund (SHIF). Ruto said the government is […]

Ruto calls on world leaders to adopt enhanced accountability

Reading Time: 3 minutes President William Ruto has asked world governments to embrace technological change to promote efficiency and accountability. He urged countries not […]

Ruto: Investment in special economic zone will spur industrial growth

Reading Time: 2 minutes The government is implementing robust measures to foster industrial growth and ensure it is commensurate with the country’s Gross Domestic […]

Ruto vows to end corruption in government

Reading Time: < 1 minutes President William Ruto has said he is ready to offer leadership to fight incompetent leadership, vested interests and corruption to […]