August 9

Kenya Kwanza will revive Arror and Kimwarer dam projects – Ruto

Tuesday, July 26th, 2022 11:46 | By
Deputy President William Ruto adressing supporters at the historic Kapkatet Grounds in Kericho county. PHOTO/DPPS
Deputy President William Ruto adressing supporters at the historic Kapkatet Grounds in Kericho county. PHOTO/DPPS

Kenya Kwanza presidential flag bearer William Ruto has promised to revive stalled Arror and Kimwarer dam projects if elected in August.

Speaking at a rally in Elgeyo Marakwet on Monday, July 25, the Deputy President blamed the failure of the multi-billion projects on what he termed as political conmanship.

He said the Kenya Kwanza administration will prioritise the projects to help locals solve the water crisis in the county.

“We owe you water, the people of Elgeyo Marakwet. We stood on this very ground with my friend Uhuru Kenyatta and promised that we would build the Arror and Kimwarer dams but unfortunately, thugs and political conmen stopped that plan,” Ruto told the crowd.

“God willing, on August 10, that project is going to resume because you have a right to access clean water… What happened was conmanship which we don’t accept. We are embarking on that this year when we form the next government,” he added.

President Uhuru Kenyatta in September 2019 cancelled the Kimwarer dam project following an investigation that established that it was technically and financially unfeasible.

Uhuru issued an order for the commencement of the Arror dam project at half the cost as the technical committee he appointed to look into the project found it economically viable.

Reports indicate that by the time the project was stopped, Ksh19.8 billion had been paid in advance to various offshore firms for the Arror and Kimwarer projects despite the dams not being built.

Pro-Ruto CS charged with graft

In July 2019, former Treasury Cabinet Secretary Henry Rotich was arrested and charged with graft over the loss of billions set aside for the project.

Ruto had earlier dismissed the prosecution's position that Ksh21 billion was embezzled in the project, insisting that only Ksh7 billion was in question.

“You have heard that the government has lost about Ksh21 billion which is a flat lie! The money in question is about Ksh7 billion, and for every coin that has been paid, we have a bank guarantee,” he said.

“The correct information must be used as we target the fight against corruption so that we can nail the real culprit."

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