August 9

Ngilu claims Wajackoyah is taking over Ruto’s supporters

Saturday, June 11th, 2022 21:01 | By
KItui Governor Charity Ngilu with DP William Ruto at a past event. PHOTO/Courtesy
KItui Governor Charity Ngilu with DP William Ruto at a past event. PHOTO/Courtesy

Kitui Governor Charity Ngilu now says the rise to national prominence of Roots party leader Prof George Wajackoyah has abstracted Ruto-led Kenya Kwanza’s perceived key demographic.

Ngilu in a statement on Twitter says Wajackoyah has brought a new reality to Kenya Kwanza’s owing to his approach and manifesto.

According to her, Ruto's team is losing strongholds as Wajackoyah is now taking dominance in age groups they previously claimed to have had great support.

"It’s not so much the Azimio surge & consolidation of key bases. It’s also the rapid momentum with which Kenya Kwisha are ceding ground they previously comfortably occupied like Mt Kenya," Ngilu tweeted.

"Even Wajackoya is now threatening their assumed key demographic of 18-30 and partakers of weed," she added.

This follows a recent survey by InfoTrak that placed Azimio-one Kenya coalition presidential flag bearer Raila Odinga ahead of his Kenya Kwanza counterpart William Ruto with a 4 per cent difference.

In the data released on Wednesday, June 8, 2022, Raila led with 42 per cent in popularity with Ruto coming second with 38 per cent.

The polling firm says the ODM leader would garner 9.3 million votes and Ruto 8.4 million votes. None of the candidates would meet the 'fifty-plus one' constitutional requirement.

The Infotrak boss, while referring to previous polls, said Ruto dropped in popularity after naming Rigathi Gachagua as his running mate, while Raila maintained his 42 per cent.

Ambitho noted that 11 counties in Coast, Rift Valley, Northern and Western Kenya will decide who will be Kenya's next president.

The battleground counties include; Coast (Tana River, Kwale and Lamu), Northern (Turkana), South Rift (Narok, Kajiado), North Rift (Samburu, Nakuru, West Pokot) and Western (Bungoma, Trans Nzoia).

Raila and Ruto are the front runners in the polls slated for August 9.

More on August 9