
Muturi is Mount Kenya spokesman, Kikuyu elders insist

Muturi is Mount Kenya spokesman, Kikuyu elders insist
National Assembly Speaker Justin Muturi after his coronation as Mt Kenya spokesperson in May at the Mukurwe wa Nyagathanga shrine.Photo/Pd

The faction of Kikuyu Council of Elders who coronated Speaker of the National Assembly Justin Muturi have said they cannot coronate another leader from the Mt. Kenya region.

The elders said they had blessings for only one person who had been agreed upon by all elders in the Gema community.

The elders from Kiama Kia Ma led by their patron Captain Kung’u Muigai said they appointed Muturi to be the spokesman for the people of the mountain and this role cannot be played by two individuals.

“We are like the Biblical Issac Father to Esau and Jacob who had only one blessing to give and our was taken by Muturi.

“Even if we get 1000 leaders coming to us we shall not bless them because we already gave out our blessings to the person we deemed right,” he said.

Kung’u said council does not involve itself in politics but they only bless leaders to pursue their mission.

“We gave Muturi our blessings for the mission we appointed him for but we don’t follow him in his political meetings because our regulations don’t allow us to do so,” he said.

He was speaking in Kigumo Murang’a during the crowning of Kamau Mbugua to become a Muthamaki which is at the helm of hierarchy of the eldership.

The event had been faced by opposition by elders from another faction who had moved to court to obtain orders to bar the event from taking place.

Patrick Ndung’u Gaithuma and Patrick Muiru from the Gikuyu Cultural Association moved to court seeking orders to have police enforcement to bar the event from taking place.

The ceremony had been planned to take place at the banks of River Sagana in Kambirwa.

“We have no issues with anyone but there are people trying to put up a fight against us,” they said.

Kung’u said the leaders ought to be pace setters for good leadership in the country by providing guidance to the leaders.

Kiarie Rugami the county chairman said they were forced to hold their ritual in a different place after police allegedly secured the venue where they had planned to crown the Muthamaki.

He said the county has not had a king for decades and Kamau shall be leading in performing various rituals.


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