Uproar as police cancel Jubilee, UDA scheduled gatherings in Kiambaa
Police in Kiambaa constituency Kiambu county have stopped political rallies that were supposed to take place at Karuri playground this Sunday after two archrival political parties Jubilee and UDA, each claiming to have been granted official permission by relevant authorities to hold their homestretch rallies in that ground.
Police led by Kiambu county commander Ali Nuno Dubat in conjunction with Kiambaa deputy County commissioner Peter Maina have explained the reason behind cancellations of the two rallies.
“As you can see we cannot let two rivals be on the same ground. It will automatically turn chaotic”, DCC Maina claim.
“And because both parties claim to be having valid permits, no one will use this playground for the sake of peace and harmony”, Maina added.
However, UDA followers are now condemning the county government of Kiambu for what they are citing to be unfair treatment.
Led by UDA Karuri Ward chief campaigner Eric Mutura, they are calling upon Governor James Nyoro to come out clean and shed more light on the turmoil.
“This is governor’s plan to humiliate our loyal supporters in an attempt to stop our campaign, but we will not let the ground be used by our opponents”, Mutura insists.
Kiambaa by-elections are planned to be conducted next Thursday hence official campaigns will be stopped tomorrow at midnight.