
Kirinyaga MCAs now seek residents’ nod to dissolve the county
Kirinyaga Governor Anne Waiguru. Photo/PD/File

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Githinji Mwangi

Members of the Kirinyaga County Assembly have started collecting residents’  signatures to kick-start the process of dissolving the county government after what they termed interference on their oversight role.

The MCAs want to collect more than 100,000 signatures to petition President Uhuru Kenyatta to dissolve the county and send county elected leaders home.

Leader of Majority Kamau Murango said each ward will collect 1,500 signatures translating to 30,000 as per the law.

“We are ready to go home if that is what it takes to bring sanity into this county,” said Murango, at a press conference attended by 20 of his colleagues. “We can’t continue earning and yet we are not delivering our mandate as per our promise to our electorate.”

Governor Anne Waiguru who last month survived impeachment by the MCAs has accused them of frustrating her efforts to pass the county budget with the aim of frustrating her development agenda.

She accuses them of diverting millions of shillings from the budget for the construction of Ward offices.

But the MCAs have maintained that they will not relent until the county chief is sent parking.

Mutira Ward MCA David Kinyua Wangui regretted that the current standoff between the assembly and the governor can’t be reconciled and the best way is to dissolve the whole county.

Kinyua claimed that they have support from all corners of the county and it will take them two weeks to collect signatures across the county.

“We have irreconcilable differences with the governor. That is why we are saying we must give Kirinyaga people a fresh start. We must get a new leadership in this county,” he affirmed.

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