
Raila denies meeting Waiguru at night
Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga during a past interview at Milele FM studio in Nairobi. Photo/PD/FILE

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Orange Democratic Party (ODM) party leader Raila Odinga has denied meeting Kirinyaga governor Anne Waiguru as reported in the media.

Raila on Sunday termed as false a report published by Daily Nation alleging that he met Waiguru and other Mt.Kenya governors.

“I am deeply concerned about the false story published in the Sunday Nation today, 14th June 2020, that I held a meeting with the recently impeached Kirinyaga Governor Anne Waiguru in a bid to save a career,” he said.

Read Also: Only people of Laikipia matter to me, Waruguru says after meeting Raila

Mr.Odinga also denied instructing ODM senators to save Waiguru from Senate impeachment.

On Thursday, Mr.Odinga met Laikipia Women Representative Cate Waruguru but he says the meeting had nothing to do with Waiguru’s tribulations.

Raila while bashing the paper said Waiguru’s report is ‘critical with regard to strengthening Devolution’

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