
Parliament gives nod to Kanja for IG Police position
Anthony Mwangi
The incoming Inspector General for National Police Service, Douglas Kanja takes oath before he was  vetted by the joint committees of administration and national security of Senate and National Assembly on August 15. PHOTO/KENNA CLAUDE
The incoming Inspector General for National Police Service, Douglas Kanja takes oath before he was  vetted by the joint committees of administration and national security of Senate and National Assembly on August 15. PHOTO/KENNA CLAUDE

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Douglas Kanja now awaits President William Ruto’s appointment to be the next Inspector General of Police after parliament unanimously approved his nomination.

MPs who spoke during debate on the committee report showered Kanja as a seasoned officer who has grown through the ranks, untainted and with a clean record.

Rarieda MP Otiende Amollo however asked Kanja to remove from the police service officers who exhibit impunity to the rule of law and the constitution, tenants he said have tainted the name of the service over the years.

“This nominee is being nominated as the Inspector General at a very difficult time when the police service is under a microscope. It’s under the microscope for various reasons. First of all for impunity, it is a time that the acting IG is demonstrating absolute impunity against the court. It is at a time the acting IG is demonstrating impunity by withdrawing body guards of a judge because of the orders that they perceive to be adverse,” noted Amollo.

Public domain

He added, “As we speak, it is sad that an elected leader (Wajir MCA), is missing but it is in the public domain that there about 6 other Kenyans who are also missing in respect of whom there’s been a court order for production and even a summoning of the Acting IG and the IG has not appeared in court and their whereabouts is still unknown.”

The MP told Kanja that he comes into office at a time when the service is at its lowest, when there are unexplained disappearances and abductions.

“There are so many instances of unexplained disappearances and abductions. You have an in-tray full of business to address,” Otiende said.

On the issue of age, which has been a debate since Kanja is 61, Minority Whip Sylvanus Osoro defended him saying the 60-year requirement only applies to public servants and not to State officers.

“Kanja is coming as a state officer and not a public servant, that matter is settled and should not form a debate over the nominee’s age,” Osoro explained.

Minority Leader Junet Mohammed, asked to address the issue of the welfare of the police officers which he said was appalling.

“These officers operate under very horrifying conditions. The matter has been discussed for decades but nothing tangible is seen to happen. The new IG now has a chance to make the changes,” Junet said.

Last week the National Assembly’s National Administration and Internal Security and Senates’ National Security committee approved Douglas Kanja to be the next Inspector General of Police.

Experienced officer

Senators while debating the motion, last week also praised Kanja as an experienced police officer and best suited to lead the service.

“The committee, having considered the suitability, competence, experience and integrity of Mr Doughlas Kanja following the approval process and into consideration its observations and findings, and pursuant to provisions of the constitution, Public appointments (Parliamentary Approval), the NPS Act,” the report by the joint panel stated.

MPs challenged the new IG to implement reforms and change the image of the National Police Service.
“We want the police under article 245 to do their job with professionalism,” Nandi Senator Samson Cherargei said.

Kitui Senator Enoch Wambua said, “As we wish Douglas Kanja well in the service, we want to remind him of a few things. Following the enactment of the Constitution of Kenya 2010, the police force then was changed into a service and under that service, we created the office of the IG of Police.”

Nominated Senator Crystal Asige asked Kanja to ensure that he and the NPS comply with court orders.

“I hope the new IG will take note of the court ruling that has pronounced itself clearly about using live bullets, about police in civilian clothing and masked officers,” she said.

“These kinds of things cannot continue in Kenya, we’re not a banana republic and I hope this will be prioritized by the new IG.”

Nyamira Senator Okongo Mogeni asked the IG designate to reverse the trend where police officers arrest suspects while masked.

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