
We’re convinced our 2022 poll victory was stolen
We’re convinced our 2022 poll victory was stolen
Azimio One Kenya presidential candidate in the 2022 election Raila Odinga giving his speech at Kamukunji yesterday.

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Many times before, and with your support, I have stood up for this country, sometimes at very dark times. But today, I feel the weight of history not just for Kenya but for our beloved continent. So I appeal to you to lend me your ears and listen to me carefully.

Since August 15, we have conducted our own investigations of the IEBC and the election results. We are convinced – beyond the shadow of a doubt – that our victory was stolen.

It, therefore, came to us with surprise and great relief that within the IEBC itself, there are great patriots and Kenyans of conscience who are willing to risk everything for the sake of our country.

Gallant IEBC whistleblowers have now published the true and authentic results of the 2022 elections.

Those who have gone over the data and the forms posted on the whistleblowers’ website have confirmed the authenticity of the data.

Allow me to make a few observations about the data. First, we carried the traditional strongholds of the Coast, Western, Northern Kenya, Lower Eastern, Nyanza and Nairobi with comfortable, often overwhelming, margins.

But it was our performance in the Mt Kenya region where we broke all records – the people of the Mountain voted for us as they have never done before. I want to thank the inhabitants of the Mountain for giving us an insurmountable margin in the election.

We know what happened next at the Supreme Court. A compromised court failed to declare the true victors, annul the elections, or order a rerun. The Supreme Court itself was captured by the cartels that had also captured the IEBC.

We know that the foreign technology companies contracted by IEBC to run the elections and print the ballots were central to the rigging of the elections.

That is why they and IEBC refused to provide us with servers and the authentic data as well as the election forms. We also noticed with dismay the involvement of some foreign nations in the rigging of the elections.

In light of the above, here is our clarion call: First, we as Azimio reject the 2022 election results. We cannot and will not recognise the Kenya Kwanza regime and we consider the Kenya Kwanza government illegitimate.

We don’t recognise William Ruto as President of Kenya and we equally don’t recognise any officials in the office with him.

We demand that the entire infrastructure and records of the 2022 elections at IEBC be made public and audited by an impartial body.  A forensic audit of the IEBC results and servers is non-negotiable.

We demand that any attempts to reconstitute the IEBC single-handedly by Ruto cease forthwith so that Kenyans themselves can reconstitute the body after full and fair deliberations.

We reject the empty promises made and being made by the UDA regime. Instead, we call on Kenyans to reject the punitive UDA policies that are making life unbearable.

In particular, we call on Kenyans to resist and demand the removal of the punitive taxes that have led to punitive costs of basic products and services, including unga, milk, sugar, books, fuel, electricity, bus fare, paraffin and school fees.

From today, we call on every Kenyan buying electricity tokens to take a very close look at the statement and see how much of your money actually goes into tokens, how much goes to taxes and how long we are going to live like this.

We demand that the Kenya Kwanza government resigns as it has neither the mandate nor the ability to govern the country.

We ask our people to say NO to the UDA regime. This regime and its unfortunate and unfair policies must be resisted and the resistance starts today.

When we sort out the mess here, we will be on track to helping Africa and much of the Third World to sort out their elections and ensure no one gets to power through the back door. If it is going to take the resilience of the people of Kenya to help Africa sort out its election problems, I am ready to lead that process.

—This is an edited version of the speech that the Azimio One Kenya presidential candidate in the 2022 election gave at Kamukunji yesterday

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