
Careful not to partake from the devil’s table

Careful not to partake from the devil’s table
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A few weeks ago, musician and producer Exray claimed to have been involved with the illuminati secret society, who had been responsible for his thriving music career. Whether it was a clout chasing stunt or not, the reactions from the Sipangwingwi hitmaker’s followers and the general public made it clear that the fear for such groups is real! The mere knowledge that these mysterious groups are as well linked to mysterious deaths and blood money is enough reason for everyone to distance themselves from you.

While these kinds of occult groups have been largely assumed to be associated with new age practices and western cultures, by far in Africa, some of these things have lived with us through time. Amongst the Mijikenda tribes at the Coast, for example, there is still fear of some tribes notorious for practising ‘rain-making’ witchcraft(uchawi wa mvua). 

As Winnie Chitsaka shares, it is not really called uchawi wa mvua because it will cause some significant amount of rain for the community. On the contrary, on the burial day of the “sacrificial lamb”, it rains for a short while, as a sign of the association.

The shocking fact as Winnie shares, is that food or drink offers are the baits to finding one all entangled in the darkness.

“There are tribes so notorious for this kind of witchcraft, where they initiate people unaware through food or drinks. Some kind of charm is used to lure you into eating or drinking from the mboko (traditional palm wine cup). After that, it is said they will follow you at night or in your dreams to inform you that you are one of them and you are required to give sacrifice, which is normally a close relative, or the breadwinner of the family,” shares Winnie.

Common traps

“Growing up, this thing was well talked about, quiet a lot and even today it still is, and we have always been warned against eating in some homesteads. When you are visiting some homesteads, you bring your own food and drink to stay safe,” says Winnie who comes from the Chonyi, Mijikenda tribe.

As a confirmation of these ancient Mijikenda occultic claims, Mijikenda elder, John Baya says that while they might have been common in the olden days, these practices are slowly diminishing. He also echoes that indeed, free food and drink offers are the common traps used to lure people into the secret groups.

“In this world, there are secret societies found in every religion. And even in Africa, these kinds of groups will be found in literally every tribe. Their main concern is to control secret knowledge and power. Ancient African secret societies are very powerful as well and they can recruit people either voluntarily or through coersion or when the victim is unaware. If you eat their food offerings that they have sacrificed to their deities, they will manipulate you to be part with them. In other times, it is inherited. If your grandfather was in it, then initiated your father, they might initiate you as well,” shares the elder. 

Not all doom

While it is unfortunate that an innocent act of sharing in celebrations could lead someone to such immense amount of trouble, the elder assures that it is not all doom and there are rituals, which can be performed, depending on the origin of the spells that can disconnect one from the associations. But more importantly is to be careful where and with whom you eat with.

“More importantly we advice people to refrain from these habits of just eating and drinking anywhere and everywhere carelessly. Even if you are invited, don’t eat with them, especially in secluded places,” He says.

As Pastor T Mwangi, of Life Church Limuru also adds, food is most times is used by many dark secret societies as a point of contact, which will then be used for manipulation. In his experience as a gospel minister, he has had many such encounters.

“The underlying objective is manipulation and control. So they will use food or drinks that have been dedicated to demons. They are using these food items to put you in radar, to make you do things without your knowledge. I have encountered a story of a girl who was offered an egg and she became very sick from that day. The day she was prayed for, she vomited the egg and her health was restored. In another instance, a young man who had been given meat while being recruited into mungiki also vomited the meat while being prayed for. Even I have found myself in situations where I am being invited for meals, which my spirit just would not accept to eat, and had to turn it down,” shares Pastor T.

Be alert 

As a Christian, he advises people to be alert in the spirit. “Even in the Bible, Daniel decided not to eat the king’s food or drink his wine because that would make him unclean. Discernment level has to be high on these invitations and gestures. There are places you will go and something tells you not to eat. Importantly, know that God is more powerful than the devil. Your level of faith might be able to even protect you from the harm in such food, but then faith levels are not the same. So, discernment is key to avoid these kinds of areas. At the same time, there is always hearsay on the ground— rumours about a certain person being involved in some form of evil, or being a witch. You have no business visiting witches in their territories. Don’t walk in ignorance,” advises the pastor.

And while it has been established that the existence of such evils are true. Elder Baya says that this should not create so much fear when it comes to enjoying a meal together with friends at a public event.

“While people like to say some things to create fear, the truth is, these secret ceremonies are not conducted in public. They are done in secret secluded places. So, unless someone close to you takes you to those places in forests where they do such ceremonies and activities, you don’t have to worry. Otherwise eating at a wedding party or enjoying at a birthday party with a lot other people is safe,” he says.

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