
Jubilee launches purge on Ruto’s allies in House teams
Amos Kimunya . Photo/PD/File

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President Uhuru Kenyatta’s allies in the National Assembly have launched a second purge against Deputy President William Ruto’s camp in what they have termed as “normal reorganisation of House committees”

Latest onslaught is targeting politicians propagating the ideals of DP’s breakaway United Democratic Alliance, an affi liate of the ruling party, which has been the bone of contention since the purge of the parliamentary leadership that started in 2020.

Ruto, who has fallen out with President Kenyatta over his Handshake deal with Raila and succession politics, has also resisted calls to resign for incessantly criticising Uhuru’s policies publicly and campaigning for his own 2022 presidential bid on another party.

Latest offensive impeccable sources have told People Daily that the latest offensive has been motivated by December’s fi erce opposition by the DP Ruto’s camp against the Political Parties (Amendment) Bill 2021.

Sources explained that those who are not for the President’s agenda of uniting the country should face disciplinary action.

Those targeted include Bura MP Ali Wario and his Marakwet East counterpart William Kisang, who chairs the Committee on Regional Integration and Communication, Information and Innovation respectively.

“Pursuant to Standing Orders 176 (1) and 176 (2) you are here notifi ed that Jubilee party nominated you for the departmental Committee on Communication Information and Technology,” Kisang’s notice of discharge from Parliamentary committee signed by Majority Whip Emmanuel Wangwe reads in part.

“You are hereby given seven days to respond before you are discharged from the said committee,” the letter adds. Others are Maara MP Kareke Mbiuki, who chairs Environment and Natural Resources, Nakuru East MP David Gikaria who chairs the Energy Committee and Kajiado South MP Katoo Ole Metito, who chairs Defence and Foreign Relations.

Affected individuals Others are Laikipia Women Rep Cate Waruguru, vice-chairperson of Agriculture and Livestock Committee and his Lunga Lunga counterpart Khatib Mwashetani, vice chair Lands Committee Kiambu Women Rep Gathoni Wamuchomba (Vice, Roads and Transport) and Moses Lessonet (Vice, Budget and appropriation) Contacted, Majority Leader Amos Kimunya said committee reorganisation is a continuous process to revitalise them and ensure their leadership is in sync with the membership.

“Whipping and dewhipping are also linked to support for the party leader’s agenda,” said Kimunya. He added: “Already the whips have communicated to the affected individuals and they have been handed show cause letters.”

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